There is a great deal that you didn’t know about Las Vegas. Some of it you’ll never know, some of it you won’t know unless you visit (provided you can already have fun wherever you live) and some of it you’ll never know.
You can save a truck load of money (I love saying that) if you stay in a hotel off the strip. In this entry the hotels I’m describing are the a few of the Station Casinos resorts. Texas Station, Sante Fe Station and The Fiesta Hotel and Casino. Not sleeping on the strip might take the whole experience away though, you can go down there all day and night, but when sleep time comes stay in a hotel off the strip. About your experience though, I’m really not sure since I’ve lived here for 22 years. You can save[excellent magic words in the advertising world]on room costs, all meals, plus receive excellent discounts for downtown entertainment when your staying in a hotel off the strip.
What do you picture when you read the term “in a place off the strip”? Understand that these hotels off the strip are there to cater to the locals, we are there target, not the out of town guests. How can a local casino provide services and entertainment that rival what the strip has to offer? Sometimes I take for granted how easy us locals have it.
Right now I could submit this entry and hop in my vehicle, and depending on which direction I drive, get to any of the three closest local hotels off the strip in 5 minutes. Under one roof I have the choice to eat at 4 different sit-down restaurants, eat at any major fast food restaurants because there are about four or five different ones at each local casino.
After I eat I am able to go ice skating, bowling (cosmic after twelve) or watch a movie on some of the most advanced theaters in the US featuring super high quality video and clear, crisp surround sound audio. At each location there are at least four or five different bars, wet bars and pubs with nightly country, dance, and rock music. In the club mood? Dance it up on Fridays and Saturdays when the club doors open. Professional boxing matches and live standup comedy acts always frequent the stage.
Go experience the fast paced attitude inside the casino and sit down to play some bingo (I laugh if you think only older women like this game). You already saved a ton of money by staying in a hotel off the strip, why not enter a live poker or live blackjack tournament and place face to face with other poker players. Sunglasses are allowed and encouraged. Buy-ins only cost around twenty dollars. Want a more energetic, noiser atmosphere? Then head to the main floor and play blackjack, craps (the best bet in Las Vegas is on that table), poker, roulette; Baccarat; Texas hold-em and others that are too new for me to remember. If you want to you can even purchase a one hundred game keno ticket. Just pick your numbers pay the change lady and view the games from your hotel room. In my case I have the option of going home and just calling the keno cage later to find out if I won! Hows that for convienence? The best thing is the more games you play at once the rate per game goes down while the pay-outs stay the same.

Heres an interesting fact. The closest casino which is the same as a hotel off the strip offers a drive-thru sports book! Seriously, just picture a hybrid drive thru based from a fast food drive-thru and a bank’s drive-thru.
Again all of this is under one roof. There have been so many odd and unforgetable experiences at these places. Any questions about anything I have knowledge of will be happily answered by myself.